Friday 12 September 2014

NDM Post 3

Five reasons why the Apple Watch won’t take off

the article is a review of the apple watch and the useless aspects of the watch saying that like the ipad, "it's a thing but does it have a use", the author Paul armstrong points out five things wrong with the product in paragraphs being the notification system, the amount of apps in the Watch, the third talking about the designer placing form infront of function, the need of an iphone for it to work and the actual design of the product

the Moto 360 is a more usful product than the Apple Watch

The watch needs an iPhone to work

There is too much packed in, with no real use

the watch is too packed with apps and gadget that aren't needed like the the music app on the phone is ergonomically a disaster as if the user was to use head phone s while walking it will continuously fall out.


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