Monday 20 October 2014

NDM Post 16

My journalism lectures are free from any hint of anti-Murdoch bias

The article by Roy Greenslade focused on lecture at two universities in Sydney, Australia. Sharri Marksons the Media Editor of the Australian attended both of the lecture at both of the Universities and stated that, "students were being led to form a critical view of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp". Markson also stated that the lecture bout News Corp were indoctrinated meaning that the views being portrayed by the lecturer were not to be questioned.

-  Murdoch has called the NBN "a ridiculous idea"

-  The Australian judged the first rollout of NBN, in Tasmania, to be "shambolic" and "abysmal"

The Lecture of Sydney university should have made the lecture a unbiased report on News Corp enabling the students to form their own opinions and created a controversial view on the subject and thus intriguing the students to do further research on the subject  


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