Thursday 5 February 2015

Pitied - looked down upon
Exotic - groups from a good and rich culture
Dangerous – groups that appear as a threat and can cause harm
Humorous – an image that is created for the amusement of the white

Frantz Fanon
Infantilize- portray them as children, small and cute, for example using them in Aid commercials.
Primitivize- the exotic tribal warriors or ‘bare breasted maidens’ with a natural sense of rhythm.
Decivilize- The ‘gangster’ pimp.
Essentialize- Clumping the group together, undifferentiating them.

Edward Said
Said argued that the west is colonising Europe and created hegamonic ideologies of the Middle East, suggesting that it to be an alien like area,  dangerous and uncivilised.
West v/s East = Civilised v/s uncivilised =superior v/s inferior

Does it offer a positive or negative view of British Muslims? To what extent does it reinforce or challenge Edward Said's theory of Orientalism - that the west is superior to the exotic or uncivilised east?

Yasmin offers different type of views of Muslims. The beginning shows a positive ideology, a boy call to prayer in Arabic (Azaan) portraying them as peaceful people, however when the caucasian people begin to move away presenting the Muslim as disruptive. The elderly man is cleaning “Paki, Go Home” off the shutter shows them as docile and to emphasis on the positive attribute portrayed in the eastern communities in Yasmin They refuse to retaliate even tho they know they aren't welcome in their arera. The theory of Orientalism, that the west is superior to the east as the womas well as refusing to retaliate.


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