Monday 19 January 2015

Identities and the Media: Reading the Riots

How did the language and selection of images in the coverage create a particular representation of young people? 

The language and the pictures presented portrayed a negative representation on todays yout. showing that these people have no remorse and the psture in the images show this. The Mis-en-scene of the image adds to the negetivity as it's the uniform for these thugs.

Why does David Buckingham mention Owen Jones and his work Chavs: the demonization of the working class?

Buckingham mentioned Owen Jones as he pointed out that there is a new modernized Britain and argued that the working class has become an object of fear and ridicule

What is the typical representation of young people – and teenage boys in particular? What did the 2005 IPSOS/MORI survey find?

The survey found that 40% of articles the mentioned young people were focused on violence and 71% of that is described as having a negative tone.

How can Stanley Cohen’s work on Moral Panic be linked to the coverage of the riots?

The story of the riots spreading across the country and created a moral panic as the citizens of England were in fear of thugs harming or robbing them or their family

What elements of the media and popular culture were blamed for the riots?

The popular media culture for blame were Rap  music, Violent videogames and reality T.V.

How was social media blamed for the riots? What was interesting about the discussion of social media when compared to the Arab Spring in 2011?

Social media helped organize group to go out to riot or make plans to rob a specific jewelry shop. It also enabled the riots t spread across the county quicker. It's primary users were the same as the people involved in the riots and this emphasized the blame of the youth due to the fact the social media applications such as BBM were involved. Social media when it came t the Arab Springs was a democratic utility that enabled repressed people of the middle east to voice their opinion organize an take down a dictatorship. 

The riots generated a huge amount of comment and opinion - both in mainstream and social media. How can the two-step flow theory be linked to the coverage of the riots? 

When the people turned to social media they looked at the story from celebrities POV, the two step flow model can be used, as they voiced thier opinion on the social platform as opinion leaders with 'followers' and their opinions helped form the opinions of these follower as it may provide the with new ideas about the event.

Alternatively, how might media scholars like Henry Jenkins view the 'tsunami' of blogs, forums and social media comments? Do you agree that this shows the democratisation of the media?

Due to the ability of social media becoming more anonymous with sites such as, I believe that social media shows a form of democratization as it allows people to take advantage or experience Freedom of Speech without restriction as they may be oppressed individuals.

What were the right-wing responses to the causes of the riots?

The right wing response to the cause was negative comparing them to the likes of animals and calling them Yobs 

What were the left-wing responses to the causes of the riots?

The Left wing Blamed society and its social class and inequality factors

What are your OWN views on the main causes of the riots?

I believe that the riots started out as the protest against police brutality however as it spread through-out London and then the country it became more of the hunger for the youths need of riches due to a materialistic society 

How can capitalism be blamed for the riots? What media theory (from our new/digital media unit) can this be linked to? 

Capatilism can be blamed as social media and the freedom of speech enabled the riots to spread quickly and if these factor weren't involved could have been contained better. Also living in this materialistic society makes a majority believe that their character is build on the object of materialization and they begin to rob and steal with out remorse due to inequality and social class statuses.

Were people involved in the riots given a voice in the media to explain their participation?

The rioter opinions were not vioced in fact looked to be oppressed by the media. They were not given a vaiove firstly as it may have challenged Hegammnic views created by the media and news paper most of which are Right-winged papers.

What is your own opinion on the riots? Do you have sympathy with those involved or do you believe strong prison sentences are the right approach to prevent such events happening in future?

The riots were a mixed of several factors that blew the riots in to a larger scale the beginning of the riots in Tottenham started out as a violent protest for the oppressed in a so called democratic society. however my sympathy stayed there as for other even in my area were just a chance for people to rob steal and injure people with a smaller risk of being called as man people were condoning and participating in it.


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