Monday 19 January 2015

NDM Post 40

'Cultural Marxism': a uniting theory for right wingers who love to play the victim

 the Australian’s columnist Nick Cater, video game hate group #Gamergate, Norwegian mass shooter Anders Breivik and random blokes on YouTube Have invoked the spectre of cultural Marxism to account for the things they disapprove of such as Islamic immigrants communities, feminism and Bill Shorten. The story of cultural Marxism is also flexible and can be tailored to fit with the obsessions of a range of right-wing actors. As such, it’s one example of an idea from the extremes which has been mobilised by more mainstream figures and has dragged politics as a whole a little further right.

Anders Breivik killed young social democrats because he believed that their party was involved in a cultural Marxist plot to undermine traditional European values by means of mass immigration from the Islamic world. 

It begins in the 1910s and 1920s (Marxism)

 the conspiracy says, they promoted and even enforced ideas which were intended to destroy traditional Christian values and overthrow free enterprise: feminism, multiculturalism, gay rights and atheism.


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