Friday 6 March 2015

NDM Post 55

Why are people buying fewer tablets?

Student using tablet computer in class

Sale of the iPad has fallen by 17.7% in the three months as the company sold only 21.4 million in the last quater of 2013. IDC and Canalys as claimed that their sales in tablets had dropped. It's the first decline since Apple brought back the tablet market in 2010. IDC reported a 3.2% drop in shipments to 76.1m units, while Canalys suggested a 12% decline to 67m units.  five reasons have been pointed out as to why the market sales have dropped:
1. Tablet buyers are hanging on to them for longer
2. Larger-screened smartphones are proving popular
3 . Laptops are also competing
4. Samsung and Amazon have been struggling
5. Has there been a lack of innovation?


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