Tuesday 16 September 2014

NDM Post 5

Innocence of Muslims actor sues Google to block controversial film

This article follows up a court case against Google by an actor from controversial film 'Innocence of Muslims' which portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a sexual Deviant and a fool. Several people linked to the production including actor had received threats for be included in such a disgusting production. Two actors are suing Google, Gaylord Flynn an actor in the production is also suing the Producer, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.

- Google had refused to block access to the movie, even though a ninth US circuit court of appeals panel last February ordered it taken off Google’s video-sharing website, YouTube.

- A movie trailer called Innocence of Muslims that mocked the Prophet Muhammad and led to riots in 2012.

The company is demanding a rehearing from the full appeals court.

The production is sickening and should be taken of YouTube and everyone included in the production should be punished as the production is obviously a hate crime. As a muslim i understand how hurtful such things could be and why death threats were sent to the actors, although wrong. In my opinion Google should be sued to the full extent of the law for refusing to remove an obvious hate crime from YouTube even though actor that share a copyright over their work demanded for it to be removed, however they didn't want it to be removed for the right reason of it being disrespectful they want it removed to stop any threats that they are receiving 



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