Monday 5 January 2015

NDM Post 29

Sony offers discounts after Christmas PlayStation Net
work hack

During Christmas PSN was hacked by a group called Lizard Squad the hacking prevented new users that bought their PS4 on Christmas to connecting and registering the new console and also blocked existing users from accessing online gaming and on-demand video streaming services. It wasn't restored until the 28 December whilst Xbox Live was restored by boxing day, the Company apologized for the delay and provided PS Plus members an extension to their active membership by 5 days and stated that they would also offer a 10% discount code good for one time off a total cart purchase in the PlayStation Store as a thank you, A arrest has been made, a 22 year old man from Twickenham linked with the Lizard Squad, was arrested in a raid on his home by the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit (SEROCU) before being released on bail over cyber-fraud offences in 2013-14.

- The PSN has 110 million users
- was not restored until 28 December. 
- Microsoft’s Xbox Live online gaming service was also targeted by the Lizard Squad’s attack but service was restored by Boxing Day.

It was good that Sony acknowledged the hack and apologized by providing offer but it wasn't enough they should have offered more to the users to keep them happy and the company need to upgrade their security, Microsoft was able to fix the hack two days earlier than Sony. 


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