Sunday 23 November 2014

NDM Post 22

Pro-independence The National newspaper details revealed

A new newspaper has been launched in scotland as a result of its success in the scottish referendum however the publisher of the newspaper required to see independent supporters  of the newspaper to be convinced that it had a market and had only committed to publishing The National for five days as a trial. it will cost 50p and will be available in newsagents and online by subscription it was argued  by Hydro that the paper should cost 45p to match the percentage of supporters in scotland Richard Walker stated, "We are no longer the 45. We are the 50-plus and we will become the 60 and the 70."

It is the first time in many years that a new daily newspaper has been launched in Scotland

Richard Walker told a 12,000 crowd of SNP supporters at Glasgow's Hydro that The National would be published from Monday

The news paper should be launched however only if successful and if supporters of the newspaper rises evidently. Having a trial for this is a good strategy however if the newspaper fails opinions will be formed about the publisher for supporting the newspaper.


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