Saturday 14 February 2015

NDM Post 54

Google waited six months to tell WikiLeaks it passed employee data to FBI

Google’s executive chairman, Eric Schmidt
Last month Google had cooperated with federal agents after the search giant was served with secret warrants demanding that it hand over all emails and IP addresses relating to three WikiLeaks staffers and is now facing renewed questions about its handling of subscribers’ private information following the revelation that it waited six months after the lifting of a gagging order to alert WikiLeaks that emails and other data belonging to its employees had been passed to the FBI. The warrants named the British citizen Sarah Harrison; senior WikiLeaks editor Joseph Farrell and the spokesperson for the organisation, Kristinn Hrafnsson.

This week it was announced that Manning, who is serving a 35-year sentence for the leak in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, will write an opinion column for the Guardian.


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