Monday 29 September 2014

Feedback and Learner response

WWW: good range of areas/topics covered

EBI: Include more reference to theories and more detail in your introduction. intro needs to be longer (a plan would help)

23/48 D+

Learner Response: (Intro)

In this day and age there have been many development in new digital media which have both empowered and weakened the audience one example of this is Google and this works for both sides of the arguments. The audience have been empowered to a large extent by these developments as they have been given a larger variety of media forms to pick and choose from as they please, however there are also a lot of reasons that the audiences are weakened pointed out by theorist Andrew Keen,"the internet is killing our culture". an example of this is UGC as the content when posted is posted to a company like twitter which then own the comment.


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