Monday 9 February 2015

NDM: News Article

1)  02/09/14: Naked celebrity photo leak: what are the victims' rights?

6)  15/09/14: Google: US government demands for user data have risen 250% since 2009

7)  29/09/14: Donald Trump retweets serial killers photo in comedian's Twitter prank

8)  26/09/14: Twitter to target film advertising to users tweeting about related movies

9)  25/09/14: Google hits back at News Corp's claim that it is a platform for piracy

10) 29/08/14: iPhone 6 and 8 plus beding fears 'seem overblown'

11) 09/10/14: Iran blocks Instagram account of ‘rich kids’ showing off wealth in Tehran

12) 07/10/14: Revenge porn could lead to 14-year sentence, new guidelines clarify

13) 01/10/14: Reddit secures $50m in fundraising from investors including Snoop Dogg

14) 13/10/14: Daily Record stops sending copies to Dublin after circulation slump

15) 20/10/14: Google says latest search changes will 'visibly affect' piracy site rankings

16) 13/10/14: My journalism lectures are free from any hint of anti-Murdoch bias

17) 30/10/14: What happens to your Facebook account when you die?

18) 29/10/14: Google is developing a cancer and heart attack-detecting pill

19) 29/10/14: Hong Kong protests bring crisis of confidence for traditional media

20) 24/10/14: Marketers turning further from traditional media, study shows

21) 17/11/14: Google to test-fly balloons which transmit internet over Australia

22) 22/11/14: Pro-independence The National newspaper details revealed

23) 21/11/14: Now e-cigarettes can give you malware

24) 24/11/14: Facebook ‘newspaper’ could spell trouble for traditional media

25) 24/11/14: Malware spied on companies and governments in 10 countries since 2008

26) 21/11/14: Will Rebekah Brooks really replace Robert Thomson as News Corp's CEO?

27) 01/01/15: Snapchat reveals $485m of funding at a reported $10bn valuation

28) 13/12/14: Facebook Inc (FB)’s CEO Ditched Traditional Media For Q&A Sessions, “Dislike” Button Nowhere In Picture

29) 02/01/15: Sony offers discounts after Christmas PlayStation Net work hack

30) 11/12/14: Traditional media more reliable – Federal Sec

31) 31/12/14: YouTube's biggest stars: DC Toys Collector, PewDiePie and Taylor Swift

32) 31/12/14: Why Kelvin MacKenzie is such a strange 'new' columnist for the Sun Roy Greenslade

33) 02/01/15: Apple faces lawsuit over storage space on iPhones and iPads

34) 10/12/14: News Corp Executive Blasts BuzzFeed, Calls Site 'A Really Strange Place'

35) 01/01/15: Driverless cars to be tested in UK

36) 02/01/15: Sony hackers may still have access to computer systems

37) 02/01/15: Facebook defamation: man wins lawsuit over estranged wife's domestic violence post

38) 17/12/14: News Corp UK suffers £3.5m loss after £51m profit the year before

39) 15/01/15: Google Glass ceases production 'in present form'

40) 19/01/15: 'Cultural Marxism': a uniting theory for right wingers who love to play the victim

41) 16/01/15: BuzzFeed launches its own 'public chat' channel in messaging app Viber

42) 14/01/15: Rupert Murdoch tries to clarify Charlie Hebdo attack comments

43) 26/01/15: Google is now a more trusted source of news than the websites it aggregates

44) 23/01/15: What happens when most of China visits your website? It dies a horrible death

45) 23/01/15: Twitter encourages 'verified' users to stop posting photos from Instagram

46) 25/01/15: Should the campaign against Page 3 be abandoned?

47) 05/02/15: Rupert Murdoch's grandson launches an audio news app

48) 08/02/15: Google Maps: a decade of transforming the mapping landscape

49) 09/02/15: Robots are leaving the factory floor and heading for your desk – and your job

50) 09/02/15: Revenge porn victims’ helpline launched in UK


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