Monday 5 January 2015


I've marked your essay - it's 29/48 which is a C so one grade above your target grade and gets you three credits!

LR (do this on a blog posting, with the feedback I've given you)...

·         You need to flesh out your essay with more specific examples, especially the section on UGC. Go back through and include some more in a separate posting, including from your NDM Guardian research.

·         Make sure it’s all your own work in future – you can write a very good essay!

Through the use of Social sites, pluralism is becoming more powerful as millions of people are being enabled to provide opinions through comment section and statuses showing evidence of a Pluralistic point of view and freedom of speech. This also allows deterioration of censorship as the audience is able to receive news that wouldn't be televised and that they are interested in. The police brutality that has been recognised through UGC by citizen journalism such as Rodney King a prime example of this as it was the first example of UGC and now using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as an example of this police brutality has become a world wide controversial subject with victims such as Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown that due to the mass publication have touched the heart of rapper and have even gone as far as making several songs including legends such as Wu-Tang Clan. In New York a rebel brand called VLONE featuring the likes of Ian Conner and A$AP Rocky have started riots using social media like instagram to bring out fans to join them in the riots. Rupert Murdoch stated, “People are taking charge of their own lives and they read what they want” this shows example of the uses and gratification theory stating that people are able to make conscious choices about the media they consume and can conform, accommodate or reject (Gurevitch).  UGC enables the audience to portray the truth that the media may try to manipulate for their political benefit an example of this is the Police riots that the BBC manipulated despite being a non-biased news organisation.


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