Monday 5 January 2015

NDM Post 31

YouTube's biggest stars: DC Toys Collector, PewDiePie and Taylor Swift

This article includes information about the 3 biggest stars on YouTube and provide astonishing information about their achievement on the video site with subscribers reaching much further than 9.8 million in total (Taylor Swift) up to 32.5 million (PewDiePie) it states that PewDiePie may have the largest amount of subscribers on YouTube. The article stated that the 3 largest categories of interest are Children, Music and gaming. Children being channels such as DC Toy Collecters

- YouTube’s three most popular channels generated just under a billion views in November alone
- OpenSlate reveals that toy-unboxing channel DC Toys Collector – formerly Disney Collector – was watched 384.4m times in November.
- Its top 100 channels generated just over 7bn views, but by November that figure had risen to 11.5bn.

The channels revenue a lot of money and these channel target a mass audience and well it's not a surprise that they are the top three channels in the world. 


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