Monday 5 January 2015

NDM Post 36

Sony hackers may still have access to computer systems
Sony Entertainment is unable to confirm that hackers have been eradicated from its computer systems more than a month after the film studio was hit by a debilitating cyber-attack. The company came up with an old-style communications system based on a “phone tree” to relay updates on the hack from person to person. An old cache of BlackBerrys was also brought into action because the phones receive email via their own servers.

- “It took me 24 or 36 hours to fully understand that this was not something we were going to be able to recover from in the next week or two,” Lynton told the Wall Street Journal.
- Since then the film has taken more than $18m (£11.6m) in digital and box-office revenues, making it Sony Pictures’ biggest ever online film release, helped by the publicity around the hack and offsetting its $44m budget.


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