Monday 5 January 2015

NDM Post 38

News Corp UK suffers £3.5m loss after £51m profit the year before

Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper and publishing division suffered a loss of £3.5m in the year up to June 2014 compared to a £51m profit the year before. One stand-out feature was the plunge in the profitability of the Sun, where operating profits were down to £35.6m from £62.1m in 2013.The Sun’s revenues fell 5.5% to £489m.The company came across further legal costs of £17.1m due to the activities that resulted from its post-hacking decision to set up the management and standards committee (MSC).

- Sun’s revenues fell 5.5% to £489m
- profits were down to £35.6m from £62.1m in 2013


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