Saturday 14 February 2015

NDM Post 51

News Corp newspaper revenue falls 6% as ads and subscribers go online

News Corporation newspapers Sydney

Declining sales, advertising and subscriptions hurt revenues at Rupert Murdoch’s newspaper business in the final quarter of last year, the media tycoon’s newspapers in the UK, US and Australia, fell 6% to $1.52bn and total advertising revenues fell 9%, The UK market was effected the most. Revenues in Australia fell 8% due to currency fluctuations and weak advertising. Robert Thompson Chief Executive at News Corp said the Australian division was higher than the as they decreased costs and increased the price of the paper at the News Stands, Cost cost include the closing of their Gold Coast printing site.

Australian mastheads now had close to 250,000 subscribers, which is a 30% rise from a year ago

Circulation and subscription revenues fell 3% across the news unit

Revenue from book publishing, which accounts for about a fifth of total revenue, jumped 20% to $469m boosted by the purchase of romantic fiction publisher Harlequin last year for $415m.


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