Thursday 12 February 2015

No More Page 3 Campaign

1)Who started it and why?
Lucy-Anne Holmes is the fonder on the No More Page 3 Campaign she started it in 2012 and now has over 170,000 signature from supporters over online and public petitions, she started the petition when she realised that the biggest image of a female in the paper was a naked women.

2) What are the six reasons the campaign gives for why Page 3 has to go?
The idea for the page came too in the 'sexist' 1970s and states that a lot has changed over the last 30+ years in society

Its soft porn that is being exposed to children as a family newspaper and up until 2003 the models used were only 16 and were dressed up in school attire

It objectifies women showing men in clothes working and providing and women naked on page 3

because children have access to the newspaper at a young age they learn from an early age that naked women are a normality and objectification is embedded in to their minds, the article refers to common lined men throw around to sow objectification,"I'd do that" or "look at the tits on that".

The Sun's largest image in the paper shows a woman of a certain age, race and physicality which sends a message that women serves a sexual purpose to men which is rubbish.

Stories that the Sun run about rape, sexual abuse, harassment, domestic violence or online porn is contradicted by Page 3 stating if personified would say "Shut up and, girl, and get your tits out".

3)What are Barbara Ellen and Susan Boniface's contrasting opinions in the debate?
Susie Boniface stated that the newspaper was outdated, She also states that in the 70s it was hard to come by images of naked women and there for back then created an audience Boniface said that the newspaper was tasteless, demeaning and unnecessary.

Barbara Ellen  stated the the campaign shouldn't be abandoned because The Sun decided to run a last minute image for page 3."If page 3 was dreary, sated and offensive before, now it sits like a pathetic leering bare-breasted wolly mammoth amid modern enlightened sensibilities".

4) How can the No More Page 3 campaign be linked to the idea of post-feminism?
The idea of post-feminism suggest that it's no longer needed as it's movement has been successful, however the campaign shows that the movement is still in the work as feminists are still tackling the objectification of women in 21st Century Media. On the other hand the tackling lesser important subject like this instead of numbers of women politicians would suggest that the movement is coming to an end as the subject isn't drastically important for feminism.

5) What are your OWN views on the No More Page 3 campaign. Do you agree with the campaign's aims? Should the campaign continue?
I don't see the point in this because for the models it's a job that they enjoy and the campaign is taking that from them. If the idea of feminism is to make women feel empowered and the models say this area of employment does exactly that for them, to me it means that they're in fact reversing the impact that feminism has had over the years. If they idea of these objectifying themselves is irritating I would suggest instead of removing it use Page 4 to show an image of a women with a STEM job.

6) Do you agree that we are in a post-feminist state or is there still a need for feminism?
I feel that there is still a need of feminism as occupations of women is still an issue and instead of preaching to the elderly, who are set in their ways, teach the meaning of feminism to the future generations so objectification of women when seen by these children doesn't give them the idea the women has a place in society.


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