Tuesday 30 September 2014

NDM Post 7

Donald Trump retweets serial killer photo in comedian's Twitter prank

This article was about a recent prank on twitter carried out by a user. The prankster tweeted "Hi @realDonaldTrump. My parents who passed away always said you were big inspiration.Can you pls RT for their memory?" and Trump being known for retweeting charity appeals etcetera he happily done so for this follower. The twist to this sweet action is the picture attacht with the message was of Notorious British serial Killers Fred and Rose West.

- Donald Trump was Duped on Monday

- Twitter user’s account was named @feckhead. 

- Fred and Rose West as Notorious British serial killers

The fact that being such an intellectual persona in higher class we would assume he knows of news around the world and the fact the he retweeted this not  knowing who they were is actually quite funny. However it's a possibility that he didn't look at the image and just went ahead and retweeted it for the satisfaction of the follower, just to make him happy.


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